Case Studies


We provided strategic communication consulting for local companies whose goal, at one point, was to attract investors/ exit.
In 2019, we communicated 4 successes of our clients.


BenefitOnline, flexible benefits platform, was acquired by Edenred, biggest player on the market on prepaid corporate services industry.

Now, in our portfolio, there are 3 Edenred companies in Romania: BenefitOnline, Edenred, Edenred Digital Center.


Blugento, a local provider of e-commerce solutions, sold a minority stake in the Polish group R22, a transaction in which the start-up in Cluj was valued at 4 million euros.

We built the Blugento communication strategy in 2019 on the pillar of attracting investors in the company.


We communicated the success of our partner Pitech Plus from Cluj-Napoca, a software application provider, which was acquired by the French group Webhelp, one of the largest providers of outsourcing services globally.

Global Technical Group

A majority stake from GTG, the leading end-to-end building management solution provider in Romania, was taken over by the Abris Capital Partners investment fund.

Black Friday

November 2018 was BF month in communications. We have worked during this period in the Black Friday campaign for 4 ecommerce companies.


3 rounds of BF & 3 rounds of communication, with different directions and messages.

Tactics: media relations, social media, link-building.

Clippings (written press, radio, TV): over 500.

For the first BF at, the auto parts store, we opted for media relations tactics, focusing on pitching stories.

The goal: to generate articles in top publications, in analytics, alongside the biggest players in BF.

Clippings: 80

The online niche shop, sells writing instruments and entered the BF with the purpose of liquidating its stocks.

In communication, we opted for product placement and pitching stories.

Clippings: 40


The start in BF communication was given by

The communication objective was to promote Sekonda brand offers through media relations and link-building tactics.

Clippings: 40


The launch of Energizer mobile phones.

We launched on the Romanian market, in a press release, a new mobile phones brand: Energizer, licensed exclusively by Avenir Telecom.

The launch of the Energizer brand on the Romanian market was based exclusively on the media relations component, with the promotion budget being zero.

The event was attended by 50 journalists from top publications of business, generalist, tech, lifestyle media and television.

Tactics: exclusive media relations (conferences, press releases, interviews).

Media buying budget: ZERO

Journalists present at the conference: 50

Articles generated: 130


In 2018, along with FLY GO, an online travel agency, we put a new city-break destination on the Romanian market: the island of Sardinia. The project ran from May to November 2018 and included several stages:

PRESS CONFERENCE on "Top Travel Destinations" in 2018. We included for the first time the destination of Sardinia.

PROJECT IN LIFESTYLE MEDIA: "10 reasons to visit ...". Along with famous destinations, we included Alghero, the main city in Sardinia promoted in Fly Go offers.

PRESS RELEASE about rate financing deals, where we have resumed Sardinia as the top destination for this year and have begun the targeting process: young people who want new short-haul city-break destinations.

INFO TRIP with journalists from the general, lifestyle, business media and fashion bloggers, to put into the media authentic travel stories from Sardinia.

PRESS RELEASE on "Top City-Break Destinations for the Fall of 2018", where Alghero resumed as a recommended destination.

THE TOURISM FAIR was another opportunity to disseminate our messages about Sardinia, as a destination for the Romanians' must see list

Thus we generated over 450 clippings in media about Sardinia as a travel destination associated with FLY GO's offers.


Class IT, a leader in the IT solutions and services market, became StarTech Team, aiming to bring a new vibe to its own team and to be perceived as an ultratech company among current and potential customers.

To send the message to the targeted audience, we organized a press conference and a partner event.

The media relations component included, as follows:

  • Press conference
  • Press Releases
  • Interviews

The event was attended by 25 journalists from the tech and business media. We have generated over 50 quality materials about the rebranding process.